2024: A Foggy Encounter

A sailor sees many strange sights while traveling the salty main. But the strangest sight we ever saw was our encounter with the Black Pearl.  We were headed south in a foggy mist, traveling slowly and picking our way through the San Juan Islands. Constantly watching our radar and scanning the horizon for nearby vessels and hazards, when a fully rigged Brig took shape as it emerged from the fog.  

Silent as a ghost she was.  Sails were full in the wind. She had the weather helm and laid a course to intercept!

Closer and closer she sailed. We feared our goose might be cooked. for she had the weather helm.  Closer and closer still onward she came, we had no place to run....

With a burst of power we passed port to post, her boarding party on their rail.  They missed their chance to claim a prize.  They couldn't catch us now.  Denied their chance, they faded into the fog from whence they came, to seek others less lucky than us.  We can only hope that they too escape from Captain Jack Sparrow and his crew.


  1. Yikes you are having quite the adventures. Stay safe out there.


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