2024 - Vancouver BC

Do you want to visit an exciting and fun city?  Well, Vancouver is the place.  With mountains and water at it's doorstep, it is located in a truly lovely location.  It's transformation from rough and tumble lumber town to sophisticated cosmopolitan city was aided by hosting the World's Fair in the '80s and the Winter Olympics in 2010.   

Their skyline is enhanced by it's interplay with the weather and the geography.
Their general plan actually talks about preserving sight lines to the most prominent features in the surrounding terrain.

The town transitions smoothly and effortlessly from it's daytime to nighttime persona.

We Stayed at Fishermen's Wharf Marina

Welcome to Fishermen's Wharf
Our Home while in Vancouver

Fishermen's Wharf is conveniently located next to Granville Island

Granville Island

Granville Island is a mecca on the southern shore of False Creek.
Packed within the borders of the island you will find nourishment, entertainment, shopping, comedy, theater, bakeries, coffee shops, whale tours, and much more.

The Marketplace is full of stalls featuring many types of food and grocery supplies

This donut vendor often has a line stretching outside the building

The fruits and vegetables offered for sale were delicious

The water taxis will bring you to Granville Island or carry you to other parts of the city.
If you prefer to walk or bike, there is wide path that follows the entire waterside perimeter of the city with feeder branches into the neighborhoods.

Granville Island Water Taxi Station
Vancouver has very good public transportation.  Water Taxis are just one element of the overall offering.

Dinghy Ride - False Creek

The Science Center at the east end of False Creek.
Just East of the Science Center is Pacific Union Train Station, from which you can catch the train for points south, Seattle & Portland, or points east.

Vancouver is fun to explore from the water.
There is so much to see.
If you don't have a dinghy, you purchase an all day pass for $10 for the water taxis.

Decorated Aggregate Silos adjacent to Granville Island

A water taxi passes the houseboats on False Creek 

Bike Riding - Vancouver and Stanley Park

Mike and Beth at Lion's Gate.
We are on the bike & walking trail that follows the city's shoreline.

Beach at the west end of Stanley Park

Their is even a swimming pool along the pathway and overlooking the entrance to False Creek.

The Science Center at the head of False Creek

Bird artwork in the Olympic Village area of False Creek

The owner of "Beth's Bike Tours"
Voted Best Tour Company in Vancouver BC
She is on vacation for the remainder of this year and next.



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