Amy Marie Visits: Refuge Cove

Refuge Cove is exactly as its name suggests.  It is a refuge from weather and a place to recharge and provision.  There are only a couple of spots in Desolation Sounds at which you can accomplish these tasks.

As there are no roads in this region, all supplies arrive via boat or plane.  Knowing this, you will have the best selection immediately following the arrival of the re-supply boat.  The facility is managed by a resident Coop of twenty-two families.  During the boating season they rotate through a portion of the positions with other staffers being seasonal workers.  All were extremely helpful and friendly.  

A navigation aide marks the entrance to Refuge Cove.  

We berthed with our bow facing out.  This orientation allows an easy departure.

Beth points out the signpost offering direction information...

This is the fanciest book exchange we've seen at any marina. It was like a small library!

The view out over the docks.
All was well maintained.

The restaurant was open for the first time since the pandemic.  Their goal was to have 5 or 6 items on the menu and do them well.  They succeeded!  The sausage and fennel pizza we ordered was excellent.  As we talked to other boaters we found that all the menu items received rave reviews.  Do try them when you are in port.

Yes, float planes regularly visit the marina.

Tin can phones are alive and well.
We did have cell phone internet service.

We picked up some items at the grocery store.

The property surrounding the marina is all private.  There are no trails to hike.  You cannot travel outside the marina boundaries.  So best to complete your resupply, fill your fuel tanks and belly, and travel on.  However, it is a special stop and not to be missed.

Tidal ranges are quite high.

We stopped by the restaurant in the morning to have a cinnamon roll and coffee with Brenda and John who arrived on a Maple Bay 27.  

Soon it was time to move on to Squirrel Cove.  So we got Amy Marie ready for sea and set off for our next destination.



  1. Looks like you are having great weather and so many fabulous stops!

    1. Yes, we have been blessed with good weather. The last three days have been windy, but we had a great time hiking Newcastle Island while Amy Marie was tied to a mooring ball. Tomorrow the winds are forecast to abate some. If under 15 mph and still from the northwest, we will travel.

  2. Nice! The weather is so great in BC


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