Amy Marie Visits: Smugglers Cove and Pender Harbor

The sea conditions as we departed Nanaimo to cross the Straits of Georgia.
Our destination was Smugglers Cove.

Beth indicates she is ready to skillfully skipper Amy Marie from Vancouver Island, across the Straits of Georgia, and back to the mainland.

Prime Time is enjoying the flat seas as we cross the straits.

Our first landfall was in Half Moon Bay, north of Sechelt B.C.

Lighted Navaids are strategically placed to keep mariners out of trouble

The entrance to Smugglers Cove was so well camouflaged that we initially sailed past it.  Once inside we each dropped a bow anchor and then ran lines to points where rings and chains were attached to the rock.  When in confined areas, this is a more secure method of anchoring as it restricts swinging in shifting winds and currents.

Both Prime Time and Amy Marie launched dinghies to facilitate the process of stern tying.
Each vessel carried a reel with 300' of yellow polypropylene line.   It is easy to see, and it floats on the surface of the water

The chain to which Amy Marie stern tied is faintly visible as a short diagonal line on the right end of the rock bank.

Amy Marie is held in place with both her bow anchor and her stern lines.  These lines leave the transom, go out to the end link on the chain and back to the boat.  By doing this, you can release one end of the polypropylene line and pull it back to the boat using the other end of the line.

Mike is returning from running the stern line

We all took a ride to shore in Prime Time's dinghy.  It was time for a hike!

Off we went into the dense forest. 

Here we are with the crew of Prime Time at an overlook

The third member of Prime Time made this photo while Beth snapped the shot...

The Prime Time Crew enjoy the view

Mike and Beth also enjoyed the view

Amy Marie is waiting for our return.

Once back we enjoyed happy hour on Prime Time.
She's a beautiful 44' vessel.

The next morning, we motored to Pender Harbor to reprovision and fuel for the 44-mile trip north to Princess Louisa Inlet.  There is a good IGA grocery store near the public dock.

Again, the Navaids mark channels and hazards.

This home utilizes an inclined tram to move people, gear, and groceries from the boat dock to the house.

We topped off our diesel tank with 211 liters of fine Canadian fuel.

 After our hit and run raid on Pender Harbor we quickly departed and continued our trek north.

We hurried through this section of the coast.  There is more to see and do in this area.  Cruising is about selecting where you spend your time.  In the future, maybe next year, we will return to enjoy Sechelt, Secret Cove, and Pender Harbor in more depth.  Our immediate goal was to spend my birthday in Princess Louisa Inlet, so Amy Marie pressed on!


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