Amy Marie Visits: Pender Island and Bedwell Harbor


Mike and Beth on South Pender Island

I took another trip down memory lane this week with a visit to Bedwell Harbor on Pender Island.  It was my fourth visit in a span of 50 years.  Bedwell Harbor has changed dramatically it that time.  There is now a very fancy resort, Poets Cove Resort, located in the spot formerly occupied by a smaller family-run resort.  

Poet's Cove Resort is the prominent feature in Bedwell Harbor

The only item I could find to remind me of the old resort was the old ships cannon which overlooked the harbor and provided protection from aggressors.

The small cannon which protects Bedwell Harbor

Bedwell Harbor is also the location where you clear Canadian Customs.  This was a quick process and involved tying to the customs dock where any crew must remain aboard the vessel.  The skipper then walks to the Customs Building on the dock with the passports of everyone aboard.  There is a customs agent, but they have you pick up a phone and call a clearing facility where you provide the passport #’s, answer some questions about what goods you brought with you and if they like your responses, you are welcome to Canada.  All went smoothly and we were delighted to be back!

The customs dock at Bedwell Harbor

We then contacted the marina for a slip assignment and moved to the dock where we were attending a Rendezvous put on by the company which built our boat, Ranger Tug.  What a great group of people.  There were 5 people from the factory and about 25 boats in attendance.  For the next 3 days we talked boats, destinations, participated in events and enjoyed meals and happy hours together.  We are now blessed with many more friends from both Canada and the Puget Sound area.

Boats attending the Ranger Tug/Cutwater Boats Rendezvous

While on the island we enjoyed long walks to overlook points that provided views out over the expanse of islands that populate the area.  The islands south of the border are called the San Juan Islands and those north of the border are called the Gulf Islands.  Over the next couple of months, we intend to visit as many as we can.

The local church

Looking across the water to the San Juan Islands

A Ranger Tug arriving at Pender Island for the rendezvous
We saw a large male Orca when we crossed this body of water just 2 hours earlier.

A navigation aid on Pender Island

Driftwood on the beach at low tide

One way islanders move around the island is by getting a ride at a "Car Stop"

We took a dinghy ride over to Browning's Marina on North Pender Island for provisions

Beth skippered on the way over and I took a nap

Browning's Marina and Resort is on a protected bay

There was a nice island village with shopping about a 10 minute walk from Browning's Marina

Refreshed from lunch and my nap, I skippered the dinghy on the return trip

There is a narrow passage which separates North and South Pender Island.

The channel is sufficiently deep and bridge clearance is sufficiently tall to allow small most boats to pass.

There were many nice homes on the island.
This one had a pizza oven!

June 1-4,2023

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