Great Loop: Green Turtle Bay, Kentucky

We departed for Green Turtle Bay as the sun was rising

Green Turtle Bay is an inflection point on our Loop Adventure.  On one hand, it is a welcome respite from the rigors of travelling with the high levels of commercial barge traffic which we encountered all the way from Chicago to this marina.  GTB, as it is affectionately known, is an oasis.  It is a resort community that makes it easy to stay and savor.  We've certainly done so.  

On the other hand, we are less than a week of travel from crossing our wake and completing our Loop.  We are going to delay our completion by taking a side trip to Nashville.   We have friends to visit, a concert to attend (Thanks Gary and Anne!), and a side trip to Asheville North Carolina to see where my father was born.  Additionally, this is a spot where many of the friends we've made during our Loop are continuing on to various points south.  Many started in Florida and will finish there.  

Unfortunately they will be returning to a state forever changed by the powers of Hurricane Ian.  One of our favorite anchorages was Cayo Costa, where Ian made its initial land fall.  Elsewhere in the state, places that weren't damaged by the winds were certainly damaged by the storm surge.  The St. Johns river and St. Augustine are two examples.  We wish Florida residents the best as they face the challenges ahead.

So we are a bit reflective as we say good byes to our friends.  We are also glad for the upcoming Nashville adventure which sparks enthusiasm and anticipation.  And most of all we are blessed at having met many wonderful people who are now part of our lives, as we have shared a wonderful experience that will bond us forever.

A lock was closed for maintenance on the Kentucky River so we took the Cumberland River to our destination.  The route was longer but very scenic.  This Tow Boat skipper slowed his tow so we could pass between turns in the rivers course.

Fall colors were beginning to appear in the hillside foliage

The surrounding hills were full of gravel which was extracted, sorted and loaded onto barges for transport to the point of use.

We had to transit Barkley Lock to reach Green Turtle Bay.
Amy Marie is attached to the floating bollard for the lift up to lake level.

It is a 57' lift in the Barkley Lock!

Within a mile of exiting the lock you are at the entrance to Green Turtle Bay.
The trip from Alton to Green Turtle Bay was 293 miles.  We consumed 60 gallons of diesel and averaged 5 miles per gallon.

Soap on a Rope Presentation

Walrus completed his Seaman qualifications and earned his promotion to Swabbie during the trip to Green Turtle Bay.
Mike is presenting Walrus with his sailor's "Soap on a Rope".

Patti's 1880's Settlement 

Looper Ladies pose by the Pink Tractor.
Patti's 1880's Settlement is a restaurant and amusement park within walking distance of Green Turtle Bay.

Mike and Beth check out the Rocking Chairs.
We get plenty of rocking on board Amy Marie.

You can taste and purchase Moonshine at Patti's

The Looper Gang is waiting for our table to be prepared

Patti fix delicious meals for the entire gang

The crews of Amy Marie and Titan were rowdy and had to sit at the "kids" table.

Beth checks out the Flowers

She also enjoyed talking with the Polar Bear!

Meanwhile, Mike drifted off and kissed a pig!

A map of Green Turtle Bay Marina

Berthing Information

  • We berthed at Green Turtle Bay Marina
  • Phone:  800-498-0428
  • The marina has wonderful facilities, including a SPA, and 3 swimming pools!
  • They have a pump out, gas, diesel, electricity, water, laundry, showers, and nearby restaurants

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