Great Loop: Cape Girardeau, Olmstead Lock, & Paducah


Sunset on the Ohio River

After enjoying a quiet night in the Cape Girardeau anchorage on the Mississippi River, we continued southbound on the Mississippi.  The current was running at a good clip, so we made rapid progress downstream.  The 4-5 mph current boost was bumping our speed up to 11-12 mph and doubled our fuel efficiency.  You have to love that!

Just before the intersection with the Ohio River, Old Miss does a squiggle that adds miles to the trip. This was her affectionate way of saying "I hate to see you go...!"

Ohio River - Against the Current

We encountered numerous tows on the lower Mississippi, and double that amount on the Ohio.  I have never seen a larger concentration of tow boats and barges anywhere else.  Barges, both full and empty, were parked in large concentrations on both sides of the river.

Our travelling companion, Titan, is being followed by a small tow boat.
We were part of a multi-boat flotilla for this section of the trip.  
It is good to travel with "buddy boats" in case you need help.
We travelled from Alton Illinois to Green Turtle bay together. A distance of 294 miles.

Railroad bridge spanning the Ohio River

Amy Marie anchoring on the Ohio River

Unusual Clouds at Sunrise

Quilts at the Paducah Quilt Museum

Murals in Paducah

Trains and Murals, what could be better!

Downtown Paducah

This building houses many shops

Murals adorn buildings in Paducah

Loopers stop for an ice cream in Paducah

The broad Ohio River stretches to the east of Paducah.

Dockwa is the easiest way  to make reservations for the Paducah Dock.  There is electricity and water on the dock.  Fuel availability was intermittent. In theory, someone from the city would come to the dock at 8am and 1pm, if you called to make an appointment, to pump fuel.  There is no harbormaster office.  You just show up and park.  Current and winds can make parking a bit of a challenge.  You will get a chance to use your super boater skippering skills!

Paducah Dock at night

On the river and headed upstream at sunrise


Berthing Information

  • Cape Girardeau
    • Anchored in the Cape Girardeau anchorage, downstream of the bridge
    • Good holding in a sandy bottom
  • Ohio River
    • Amy Marie anchored on the Kentucky side of the Ohio River between Mile Markers 959 and 960
    • There were no services, just peace and quiet.
    • Good holding in sandy bottom
  • Paducah
    • We had a nice overnight at the Paducah City Marina
    • Water and Electricity
    • Fuel - maybe
    • Pump Out - down for maintenance

Track Log


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