Great Loop: Tranquility Anchorage

November 30th, 2021

We discovered tranquility.  It is near Pensacola, sandwiched between two barrier islands. Officially, it is on maps as the Fort McRee anchorage, but we named it Tranquility as that is the feeling which completely engulfs  you.  It is so tranquilizing. Cares disappear.  Your pace slows. Bird tracks in the sand become fascinating.  Sea shells are intriguing. The sounds and smells of the ocean soothing.  It cleanses your soul.

Spending time walking the white sands quickly convinces one that we must protect our delicate planet.  The sense of rejuvenation is so strong, you can't imagine not having the opportunity to return for another dose.  Unfortunately, with climate change, we are perilously close to loosing spots like this.  I hope we can overcome the forces which deny climate change and reverse the damage which has already occurred.  Future generations should be gifted the opportunity to experience the natural beauty of our world.

These industrious birds were very busy working the margin between the sea and the sand.

They left their footprints as evidence of their passage.

We left our footprints as well.

Amy Marie carried us to this magical place and served as our portable base camp.

We set off for our on shore explorations.

Vegetation holds the barrier islands in place.


Sunset is building to a vivid crescendo.

Mother nature used her best palette when painting the sky.


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