Great Loop: Destin

Destin Florida - Morning Fog Burning Off

December 9th, 2021

Our challenge today was not Loop related.  It was however nautical in nature.  Prior to purchasing our Loop boat, Amy Marie, we had Patience, a 38’ Californian trawler.  She carried us on many wonderful adventures along the California coast, to Monterey, Avila Beach, Moro Bay, Santa Barbara, the Channel Islands, all over the San Francisco Bay area, and up into the California Delta.  It was not feasible to move her to the east coast for the Loop.  We had earlier made the decision to allow a new family to enjoy her.  We will miss her greatly and treasure our memories of unforgettable times aboard with friends and family.

Patience in San Simeon Bay 

Today we had to find a notary to witness the signing of the Bill of Sale, and then overnight the document back to the Marine Title Company.  Additionally, we had to get our bank to provide a release of lien document to the Coast Guard so the new owners could have clear title to the vessel.  The release should have been issued 9 years ago but was not.

Amy Marie in Destin Florida

We found a UPS store, with a notary, just a mile from the Destin Harbor.  Perfect place to sign the Bill of Sale.  Now we needed to find a place to dock or anchor Amy Marie, get to shore, walk to UPS, and take care of our business.  We needed someone with local knowledge.  Beth emailed the Great Loop Harbor Host, a volunteer, who acts as a concierge for the area in which they are located.  We hit the jackpot, he called back within 30 minutes.  He had a solution for us.  He lived on a canal within a mile of the UPS store and had a dock behind his house.  He offered to let us use his dock and even better, spend the night.  We were thrilled and accepted his offer of a slip for the night.  He even had a shore power receptacle we could plug into.  It was nice to encounter a good soul who so willingly offered a solution. 

There are good people everywhere.  

Morning Calm - Destin Florida
Oops, the Boat is too Big!


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