Great Loop: Gulf Coast Tiki Bars

November 27-28, 2021

A cold drink and good music is never too far away.  The Gulf Coast has spawned an industry of boat in Tiki Bars.  That frozen concoction that helps you hang on is never too far away.  Two of the favorite fueling stations in the Orange Beach area are FloraBama and Pirates Cove.  In both locations you can either beach your boat or tie up to the dock and then belly up to the bar, surrounded by the smell of sun tan lotion. 

FloraBama also has a music venue that offers live music from 1pm in the afternoon to late at night. Available online is a list of daily and upcoming events.  Typical examples are open mic night, ladies out night, bingo night and many other choices.   We anchored inside the no wake zone and dinghied ashore.  FloraBama is located on the state line and has been a local institution for 55 years.

I found Gilligan's Island and Mary Ann was still waiting for me!

See, I found her - she changed her name to Beth!

Pirates Cove also has a beach front location and patrons beach their boat, or dock and chow down while sipping their favorite cold beverage.  The day after Thanksgiving it was very quiet.  We continued into the anchorage to find our friends on Kittiwake.  They had spent the night in this well protected anchorage.

Pirates Cove was lined with many examples of southern coastal living at its finest.

Here's a boat house that offers an inviting spot to relax and read a book.

Here's a stretch of McMansions.  In ski country, these are called 10-10-10s.
They cost $10 million dollars
They are 10 thousand square feet
And are used 10 days a year.

FloraBama from the deck of Amy Marie


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