Puget Sound: Trust and Partnership

Trust and Partnership Boats are like people. It takes time to build a relationship. Ideally you want to know you can depend upon each other through thick and thin. Reaching this point requires an investment of time and energy. Bonds are forged and tested by adverse conditions. You learn each others limits, strengths and weaknesses. Often the weaknesses can be overcome. For example, if you want to be safe in the fog, you can add radar and a VHF radio with a fog horn function. With these additions you and your boat are now more capable. You can remain safe in a wider range of conditions. We are building the bonds of trust and partnership with Amy Marie by cruising Puget Sound, noting weaknesses, devising a plan to resolve, implementing, and then testing the man/machine system to insure performance expectations are met. In this process you build the resilience and capability to meet cruising challenges and the build the conf...