2024: August Cruising Summary

August was a short cruising month for Amy Marie. She was treated to a spa treatment at CSR South Boat Yard in Des Moines while we attended family events. Beth headed to San Diego and Santa Rosa California and I headed to Colorado. We reunited with Amy Marie in mid-August. During her "spa" visit she had damaged gel coat areas repaired, heat exchangers serviced and a full exterior buff and polish. She looked quite jaunty and proud of herself when we returned! As we planned to attend the annual PNW Ranger Tug Rendezvous in Roche Harbor in early September, we started meandering that direction. This gave us an opportunity to re-visit some favorite destinations as well as explore some new ports of call. Eagle Harbor, Bainbridge Island Our first stop was Eagle Harbor. Why? It has a great grocery store and it is fun to walk and explore. Town and Country Market is very close to the public dock, so a good location to perform a major resupply....